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REC Announcements

The current news can be retrieved from the navigation bar by clicking on the News button.

The base Engine/Generator depicted in this presentation was designed for use with gasoline or diesel fuels. It does not reflect the lastest design modifications or improvements incorporated in the current, patented Eng/Gen + Boost design. The Eng/Gen + Boost is designed for use with gaseous fuels, including RNG (renewable natural gas), hydrogen and propane.

To view the base Russell Engine/Generator video click on this LINK

Although the fuel type has changed, the basic design and configuration of the component parts have remained similar. There have been modifications to the combustion process, and the cooling system, which include the injection or injections of liquid water directly into the cylinders before, during and after the combustion event.

Please contact the Russell Energy Corporation directly with any questions or comments:


The Russell Energy Corporation White Paper has been updated and can be viewed by clicking on this link White Paper _____________________________________________

Eng/Gen HomeBusiness Opportunity


The term Eng/Gen refers to the Russell Base Eng/Gen and the newly patented Eng/Gen + Boost technologies.

Business opportunities offered to strategic alliances with REC will change with the evolution of the Eng/Gen technology and with future market growth. This will require new or existing strategic alliances to bring their unique skills and most efficient processes for improved quality and production to satisfy global demand.

The Russell Energy Newsletter will publish any new opportunities based upon the most current development status and requirements of the Eng/Gen technologies.


Commercialization Charts