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REC Announcements

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The base Engine/Generator depicted in this presentation was designed for use with gasoline or diesel fuels. It does not reflect the lastest design modifications or improvements incorporated in the current, patented Eng/Gen + Boost design. The Eng/Gen + Boost is designed for use with gaseous fuels, including RNG (renewable natural gas), hydrogen and propane.

To view the base Russell Engine/Generator video click on this LINK

Although the fuel type has changed, the basic design and configuration of the component parts have remained similar. There have been modifications to the combustion process, and the cooling system, which include the injection or injections of liquid water directly into the cylinders before, during and after the combustion event.

Please contact the Russell Energy Corporation directly with any questions or comments:


The Russell Energy Corporation White Paper has been updated and can be viewed by clicking on this link White Paper _____________________________________________

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Russell Energy Corporation Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Russell Energy Corporation strives to provide the benefits and security of electrical power to all people in the most dependable, affordable and environmentally considerate manner possible.

We are dedicated to product quality and an earned reputation for integrity.

Business Roadmap

         REC's business strategy involves developing Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures and other lasting relationships to secure the components and competencies required to successfully commercialize the Eng/Gen technology in all its varied sizes and applications.

         REC's also plans to commercialize world class power generation systems that will utilize the Eng/Gen technology. Systems will be designed to meet individual customer requirements and applications whether large or small. Examples would include systems designed for stores, hospitals, industrial applications, ships at sea or utility companies that support the power grid.

         In all cases REC will demand the highest quality of design, engineering, materials, manufacturing excellence, quality control, parts interchangeability and compatibility. Provisions for system expandability and functionality will be tailored to the end-users requirements.

         Constant attention to price, dependability and durability will be the norm with a distribution and service network tailored to the customers' needs and service requirements. From design through to start-up, warranty issues or maintenance REC will be there.

Patent Protection

Patent Protection